Prøverommet #17

Prøverommet er et sted hvor artister møtes og viser frem sine nye uttrykk for publikum. Den 12. juni er Prøverommet tilbake på et av sine favorittsteder, huset for elektronisk musikk og kunst – Østre, og presenterer fire ambisiøse prosjekter som spenner over teater, musikk og visuell kunst av:

Sayeh Kazemi

Vilde Vengnes

Wow Sailor med Human Trance Moniker


Prøverommet har vært en del av BIT Teatergarasjens program i 25 år, og har dukket opp på forskjellige arenaer gjennom sesongene.

Alle som ønsker å presentere i de kommende sesongene er velkommen til å ta kontakt med Laurie @ bit-teatergarasjen . no / 55 23 22 35.

Arrangementet er produsert av Prøverommet/BIT Teatergarasjen og Østre.

Sayeh Kazemi


In the project 'Shapeless', Sayeh writes: "I’m going to test out a performance that explores the intricate relationship between power and the embodiment of futility and uselessness in bodies. My aim to uncover the profound nature of this futility and highlight how power, as a shapeless vast network, influences and defines our lives. The performance seeks to challenge narrative and embedded politics, showcasing the transformative potential of reclaiming agency through the expression of futility. By breaking free from predefined roles and embracing futility as an act of resistance, my aim to disrupt power dynamics and question societal foundations.

By physically engaging with the installation you can experience the tangible representation of power and futility. You can touch or manipulate the wires."

Performers: Marius Nilsen, Alexandra Line Vargas and Sayeh Kazemi. Music producer: Rayan Kazemi.

Sayeh Kazemi (Nejatiankazemi) is an Iranian artist and activist with a notable career in performance art and acting. She studied theater in Iran, where she dedicated herself to honing her skills and delivering authentic performances across various roles. Seeking to expand her artistic horizons, Sayeh pursued pedagogy studies in Norway, immersing herself in the children's theater community.

This year, Sayeh will study a Master's degree in Fine Art Performance at KMD. With a focus on challenging the boundaries between theater and performance, Sayeh aims to explore the power dynamics pervasive in society, Power as Ubiquitous.

Vilde Vengnes


In the project 'Øde Jeg' (translated to 'Desolate I'), Vilde is concerned about loneliness and writes: "In the past five years, I have had to look at myself and my relationship with loneliness through an acting education that emphasized cooperation and honesty, and a pandemic that made it clear how much more dependent I am on people, friends and strangers, than I thought I was. And from that my mind wandered to other people's relationships with loneliness; how do those around me deal with it? For me, it boils down to all the different forms of positive intimacy that exist around us at any given time, and then the occasional lack of it. This can be anything from being with the ones you love to getting a warm smile from the cashier at Kiwi." In response to this and through the use of Lecoq technique, music and lighting, Vilde's goal in 'Øde Jeg' is for the audience to "leave the theater with a warm feeling in their chest, and to feel two kilos lighter".

Please note: The spoken parts of this performance will be in Norwegian.

Wow Sailor with Human Trance Moniker


Wow Sailor is the name of the solo-project of musician, composer andproducer Kim Reenskaug. Wow Sailor's debut album Happy Fear was releasedon Dugnad Rec in October and is composed, recorded andmixed by Reenskaug who weaves together a auditive fabric of fieldrecordings, samplesand synths and creates an atmospheric, emotional and meditativelandscape. At Prøverommet he will explore the material in a moreimprovised set in the solo format. Joining him is also visual artist Truman Trance Moniker, who will be creating video projections.



Naia Burucoa (Baiona - Basque Country) and Lea Marie Uria (Lomas de Zamora - Argentina) met in Berlin and started to talk about playing music together exactly in a moment where Lea Marie was trying to reconstruct the story of her Basque ancestors. She "found" them (or they "found" her, thanks to Naias help) and then they created together Gauak ("nights"), an electro-experimental duo where everything is sung or said in Basque, about things like (queer) identity, transness, and nature.

Gauak are in Bergen to record a double album during a residency at BEK, that will be presented during Prøverommet at Østre. Gauak (nights) is a call to end the stalemate made with a beautiful and ancient language that was prohibited for decades and now is coming back to life in its full energy. Egun (day) is a collection of field recordings in natural sites/places around Bergen, where we could think that Basque would be spoken for the first time. It is also connected with the idea of finding again an identity that was repressed and supposed to be lost.

Dato: mandag 12.6.

Sted: Østre

Åpningstid: 20:00 - 23:00

Billetter: 50kr

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