2019-11-15 - Arthur Hureau: The Limits to Growth

Arthur Hureau: The Limits to Growth


The Limits To Growth is the name of a report commissioned in the 70s to understand how our world system would evolve within the next decades and it's impacts on the society, later published as a book.

The Limits To Growth is the seventh album of the french composer and sound-designer Arthur Hureau, who currently lives and work in Bergen – and will be presented through a listening session over 42 minutes, accompanied by lights and visuals by Lars–Andreas Forthun. 

Dato: fredag 15.11.

Tid: 21:15 - 22:00

Sted: Østre, Fongaard 2.etg

Billetter: Free from 21.00, 120,- from 23.00

Arthur Hureau: The Limits to Growth